Sarge I
By: Half Inch High

‘Twenty new fucking recruits!’ screamed the Sergeant, none too impressed by the appearance or attitude of his new charges. ‘From now on, you call me Sarge, you only speak to me, you do not speak to each other, and you are not fit to eat the fucking earth I walk on! Do you understand you fucking grunts??’

Yes Sarge! All twenty guys replied together.

This was their first day in the army training camp, and the start of hell for these twenty guys, and hours of endless pleasure for their masochistic leader.

Sarge had no feelings for these guys, as he’d had no feelings for any of the other men he’d ever had charge of, and each year he produced from his team one or two top fighting machines, who were the fittest, fastest, meanest, most ruthless soldiers of their training year across the whole country. To that end everyone thought very highly of Sarge, and high command regularly awarded him commendations, and offered promotions, but Sarge always declined. He enjoyed his role far too much to let it go.

In the first hour of the first day, after his previous instructions, he gave a chilling reminder of how he operated:

‘You fucking grunts WILL work your butts off for me, you will perform beyond your capabilities, you will do every little fucking thing I tell you, and if you don’t, you won’t cut it. I don’t want little girls in my squad, and the punishment I give will be one that none of you will forget!’

‘Who’s that sniggering? Come here you fuck! You ain’t gonna last the first hour boy!’

With that he grabbed the guy by the throat and threw him to the ground. The guy rose, shaken and afraid of what the enraged Sarge was going to do. He started to apologise. Sarge was having none of it, he wanted to show from the start how it would be.

The massive seven foot Sarge picked up the guy and at first held him high over his head. Then ripping the guy’s boots and clothes off, Sarge opened his mouth and sucked the guy’s feet into it. The guy tried to scream, but Sarge had hold of his throat, and with a stifled laugh, began lowering the terrified squaddie inside himself, all the time with a fixed gaze on the other nineteen lads, all of whom were standing with their mouths agape in disbelief.

Sarge licked the ankles of the guy he was holding, and slowly sucked his legs down inside the throat. Then his waist, and then slowing down he began licking the guy’s ass. Sarge loved nothing better than the taste of a guy, from his feet, through his ass, to his back, neck, and head. Each part had a different flavour. Eventually, he let the trembling lad begin sliding again. Sarge was enjoying every second, as this sweaty salty youth slid inside him. The youth for his part had almost fallen unconscious with terror, and wasn’t resisting at all, though his eyes were imploring the other squaddies watching to save him. They of course knew better, as Sarge might try to eat them. None of them believed he’d actually finish the job though, they all thought that he’d stop and let the guy out, but no, all that was left of the guy was his head sticking out of Sarge’s mouth, and now a huge bulge was forming in Sarge’s tightly defined abdomen; the muscles there were being stretched. Sarge swallowed hard and the squaddie’s head vanished. Sarge gave a huge sigh, part relief, part pleasure. That guy had put up no fight, and was now moving around inside Sarge’s stomach, it was such a joy. Then Sarge let out a mighty belch, and flexed his abdominal muscles. The surviving squaddies thought they heard a muffled cry, then the muscled lump in Sarge’s belly vanished, and he grinned. The rush of total power always took him by surprise.

‘So you see what happens to disobedient fucks!’ continued the Sarge, ‘Fuck with me and you will get eaten! Only one or two of you will make the grade, so know this: sixteen or seventeen of you WILL end up in my stomach, or you'll get eaten by one of your comrades. The only way you pathetic little fucks can survive is to learn how to eat each other, and not get eaten by me. The last one or two will be the only ones that pass, ‘cos they’ll be the only fucking ones left. HA HA!’

Sarge’s laugh was evil, monstrous, and struck a terrible blow to the confidence of the surviving nineteen. They’d just watched their new Sarge eat a guy whole, with no mercy, and very little effort. What chance did they have?

Across the next couple of days all of them behaved, did everything Sarge screamed at them to do, and didn’t talk to each other at all. Then one broke the silence in the officers mess, he was afraid and started asking what they should do to report what they’d seen. He didn’t realise how close Sarge was in the next room, and sure enough, Sarge came storming through the door screaming at the top of his voice, ‘Which fucking idiot spoke? Who’s decided to be on today’s menu??

He strode over to the guy, grabbed his throat as before and threw him to the ground. Then he looked at one of the other guys, and said, ‘You eat this miserable fuck, or I’ll eat the two of you in succession!’

The squaddie didn’t know what to do, but with Sarge staring at him, he ripped off his comrade’s boots and clothes, and with an apologetic look, hoisted his comrade above himself and opened his mouth. Sarge laughed, teased and then screamed at the guy to open wider, wider, WIDER!!!

The guy felt his jaw surge, blood seemed to course through his head, and he felt two feet in his mouth, he sucked on them, they tasted like sand and salt, and he gagged. Sarge roared with laughter, hurling insults and threats together. The squaddie sucked again and realised that he’d sucked the other guy’s knees into his mouth. He began to realise that he might possibly be able to do this. He sucked and swallowed, and could feel his stomach getting stretched, the warmth of the other guy’s body was incredible, and he actually felt turned on by this. Swallowing hard, he worked the guy’s body inside himself, there was no fight back, it seemed that the guy was so scared, he was incapable of movement. Then their eyes met. The look on his victims face was so reproachful that he felt guilty for a second, then he returned the gaze with one of ruthless determination, and mercilessly he swallowed hard. God this felt huge, he’d swallowed a guy! He couldn’t believe his own power, and it had all happened so fast!! Then he remembered Sarge………and he began to feel sick……

Sarge stood there watching with interest, ‘Not bad for a beginner, and I’m disappointed, ‘cos I won’t get to eat you yet. You’ve passed the first test, and now all the others are scared shitless ‘cos they think YOU might eat them, besides me.’

The others had indeed been fearing that comment, for now one of their own was a hunter like Sarge, and they were the prey.

Sarge marched them all for a few hours, just to see how the new swallower would cope. The new hunter had coped with his massive meal well, and had soon worked out how to reduce the load by flexing his abdomen to squash his prey. Though he felt deprived and hungry, Sarge eventually let them all go to bed, but would there be any more casualties during the night?

To be continued…….

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